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Midtown Madness 2

  /  Midtown Madness 2 (Page 162)

The new Audi R8 is NOW available for MM2. It proposes 7 official and 3 fantasy paintjobs, a new realistic dashboard (day and night versions), a new realistic shadow texture, three textures packs with bodypaint available in 2048x1024, 1024x512 and 512x256 format but also by default, smooth 64x64 paintjobs. Also a new 3D

A new korean modeler called Silph created 2 cars for mm2: the Hyundai Presto and the Renault/Samsung SM3.. Both cars have good 3D models with semi-trasparent windows, 5 paintjobs, realistic tunings and real Engine-Sounds but them are without dashboard. Download the Renault SM3 here and the Hyundai Presto from here