7 and 10
So some of you will notice that the nice little counter on the bottom of the page has been, for 5 years, recording the number of times that people have logged onto MM2X. Some of the more attentive eyes might notice that that number is now over ten million -- meaning ten million
Fiat Uno Mille
From the Brazillian MM2 community, Jos? Arnaldo has put out his 1993 Fiat Uno, a car much like the Mini Cooper -- just faster and more agile. It comes equipped with 11, shaded paintjobs and a full-fledged 3D model. Just keep in mind its arcade-like tuning, giving it unnatural acceleration and sensitive turning.Like
Transbus Pointer SLF
A sturdy bus, this Transbus is one of the few finished projects from the MM2 bus community by veteran modeller man1333. He manages to create a well-rounded vehicle. The model is of the usual bus quality. But what really makes this one stand out is the tuning.On that high note, I reccomend you
Volvo 760 GLE Sedan
This Volvo GLE Sedan is the first vehicle of a new, promising MM2 author, DeLorean_4. His sedan has, in highlight, suprisingly accurate tuning specifications, which really show when you drive the car in a "legal" manner. His model is just as pleasing, looking, thankfully, much like the actual thing. One thing to keep