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August 2005

  /  2005 (Page 2)

Recently, I have noticed that many people have been uploading modified screenshots (aadding arrows, text, or cartoonish effects onto them) very often. I didn't mind very much about this at first, but now, 1 out of 4 screenshots that are/were in the queue were modified somehow. Please note that modified screenshots will

The HQTM-Team recently released two new helpful tools which aid you in vehicle and city design: The MM2 Dashboard Placer Toolkit, a program that allows you to modify the positioning of items on a dashbord for a vehicle you are creating. The MM2 City Toolkit, an application that helps you in positioning items

Please take note that Midtown Madness 2 Extreme discourages you saving your screenhots as BMPs and uploading them to our server, because the files are extremely big and take a long time to load. Instead, we reccomend that you save your images in either .png or .jpg format; this simply can be