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March 2003

  /  2003 (Page 5)

IGN Xbox has finally published 2 full preview of the Midtown Madness 3 Cities, the previews include a lot of new Screen Shots and detailed description of the 3 cities and his monuments.? The Paris Road Trip can be found Here The Washington DC Road Trip can be found Here

Hummfred, the creator of the AMG Hummer Hamvee has Released New Screen Shots about his 5 new scratch made cars for Midtown Madness 2: The Hummer 2, The Lamborghini Murcielago, The Fiat Punto II, The Ford Thunderbird and The Citroen Xsara PicassoClick on the Car Name for see the SS or click Here

The Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme Registration Script is working correctly now, a Member reported the bug only yesterday and finally today i fixed it.In these days i'm assembling a new computer and for now my graphic card is not working good and i can't test the new cars.I will insert the new files

All the Midtown Madness 2 Downloads are now fixed.The our new server will host all the future downloads and we will upload more cars in the next days. Thanks to all the people wich Reported the Broken Links! The MM2 eXtreme Network Staff